Még a legelmélyültebb ellenzéki politikai napilapok sem képesek túllátni a közszektor folyamatban lévő átalakítása kapcsán azon a kérdésen, hogy mi van a megyékkel és a járásokkal. A hatalom jelenlegi gyakorlói kivételes kommunikációs érzékkel rendelkeznek. Egy-egy fogalom használatával képesek a figyelmet a lényegről átterelni oda, ahová ők szeretnék, hogy koncentráljon. Ez a járás jelentősége. Eddig kistérségnek hívtuk, létezett, és helye a térstrukturában nem változott. Az átalakuló közigazgatásban is csak megismétlődik a tavalyi történet: az Állam igyekszik kiüríteni egy önkormányzati szintet és átvenni a lehető legtöbb feladatot. Rekvirál, anélkül, hogy kompenzálná a kárt szenvedő helyi közösséget.
Folyik az államosítás gőzerővel, és már senki nem emlékszik a szocializmus csodájára, a mindenható Állam abszurd világára. A hatalmat gyakorlók élvezhetik, mert egyre több konkrét dologba szólhatnak bele, több, lényegesen több pénz megy át a kezükön, nő a mozgásterük. Megszűnik az "önkormányzati korrupció" (engem ez a fogalom a "cigány bűnözésre" emlékeztet, tényszerűségében megalapozatlan, célszerűségében figyelemelterelő), mert már csak Állami korrupció marad, hiszen ott koncentrálódnak a döntések.
Közben fejlődik, hízik az Állam. A hullámok már régen a magánszektor széleit nyaldossák. Minden gondunk megoldása egyetlen emberen (vagy istenen?) múlik. Amit tőlünk vesz el, és jó kedvében nekünk, rossz kedvében másnak adja vissza megköszönjük. Nem polgárok, alattvalók vagyunk.
Nem a kistérség, a megye, a régió vagy éppen a járás a fontos, hanem az, hogy azok, akiknek a pénzéből a közszektor működik, illetve, akikért van, érezzék, amit tőlük elvesznek abból lesz iskola, közút vagy közbiztonság. Beleszólhatnak, hogy mi legyen, hogy milyen legyen. Az önkormányzatok, a helyi választott képviselők voltak eddig a garancia. Mostantól helyben iroda van, de a döntések elkerülnek.
English version:
English version:
Even the most deeper newspapers of the opposition stop in relation to the transformation of the public sector at the question while we like more counties or regions or to call small regions rayons and to use their traditional name. Those who are actually in power have an exceptional sense to use wording. By selecting only one word they can transpose the focus of the attention from important thinks to what they prefer to be on it. This is the importance of rayons. Till now we called them small regions, their existed, and their place in the space of administrative structure did not change fundamentally. The reform of the administrative system somehow repeats the steps of the last year: the State is trying to get as many as possible of the local governments tasks, and leave this lasts with nothing. Last year they did it at county level, this year it is the turn of local governments. The State put hands on local communities goods, assets without any compensation.
The estatisation is going on very fast and nobody remember anymore the strange conditions of the socialism where the omnipotent State determined all conditions of the life, economy, politics... Those in power can enjoy what is happening because they can interfere in more and more issues, they decides about more and more funds. Their space to operate is increasing. There is no more 'local corruption' (the word itself remember me 'gypsy corruption' both terms without any sense with the only objective to not to focus on the essence of a problem) because their is only State level corruption given the fact that all decisions are taken there.
In the middle the State is developing, growing. The limits of this process are from a while around the private sector. Finally all our problems in the life depends one only person (god?). We give thanks to him for what he gives us when his in god mood and to the others when is in bad mood. But that is what he took from us previously. We are not citizens anymore we are only subjects.
It is not the small region, the county or the region which is important but the fact that those from whom the money is coming from, and those who the services are for could feel that schools, rods ore public safe are built from their money, and they could influence what it what be and how it will be. Till now the warranty were locally elected representatives. From now locally we can find offices but decisions went away.
The estatisation is going on very fast and nobody remember anymore the strange conditions of the socialism where the omnipotent State determined all conditions of the life, economy, politics... Those in power can enjoy what is happening because they can interfere in more and more issues, they decides about more and more funds. Their space to operate is increasing. There is no more 'local corruption' (the word itself remember me 'gypsy corruption' both terms without any sense with the only objective to not to focus on the essence of a problem) because their is only State level corruption given the fact that all decisions are taken there.
In the middle the State is developing, growing. The limits of this process are from a while around the private sector. Finally all our problems in the life depends one only person (god?). We give thanks to him for what he gives us when his in god mood and to the others when is in bad mood. But that is what he took from us previously. We are not citizens anymore we are only subjects.
It is not the small region, the county or the region which is important but the fact that those from whom the money is coming from, and those who the services are for could feel that schools, rods ore public safe are built from their money, and they could influence what it what be and how it will be. Till now the warranty were locally elected representatives. From now locally we can find offices but decisions went away.