Hogyan lehetséges mégis ez a fővárost támogató kormányzás? Úgy, hogy a döntések Budapesten születnek, az összevonások nyomán Budapesten jönnek létre új központok, a forráselosztás is a korábbiaknál jobban válik Budapest-központúvá. A tudomány területünkön MTA RKK egy budapesti központú szervezetbe olvadt be, holott a kevés vidéki központtal rendelkező hálózat egyike volt. Az önkormányzati rendszer átalakítása, funkcióvesztése, a közbeszerzések központosítása is ebbe az irányba hat. A kormányzat intézkedései így nem a korrupciót csökkentik, hanem a vidék esélyét.
English version:
It is somehow surprising that the government do not take conscience and even those backing it do not call the attention to the fact that its strong willingness to reform all system and to create new centralized system is showing signs of one of the stronger dangers of doing so: the capital-city is gaining more and more power over the countryside. In this way those who will get more advantages from activities of the government will the capital, entrepreneurs and inhabitants of the capital. That city where 18 per cent of Hungarians live but produce around 30 per cent of the GDP of the country. This gap will increase. But citizens of Budapest are not really grateful for this present. It is here where first turned into a potentially wining left government the former two thirds approval of the parliamentary majority.
How it is
possible in this circumstances a governance making favors to
Budapest? The reason is that centralized decisions are taken in Budapest, the new
joint center for formerly decentralized institutions will take place in
Budapest and the centralized distribution of funds has its center in Budapest.
In my special scientific area the the institution of the Academy of
Sciences formerly managed from a big city (not from Budapest) by now it
was joint to other institution with headquarter in the capital. The
transformation of sub-national administrative system, the lost of functions of
regional and local governments, the centrally managed public appeals reinforce
this tendency.
In summary
the measures taken by the government do not decrease corruption but the chance
of countryside to come out the crisis.
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